Today I got a surprise visit from my partners Nephew (he's the one in the white T shirt) who runs his own website company thingy! Don't ask me too many questions on that as I'm a wee bit clueless (no change there then). Anyway bless his little cotton socks I told him I was attempting to compile a blog and commented I so wanted to make separate boxes in my side bar, and he promptly logged on to my computer and showed me how!
He could have continued to blind me with the depths of HTML but he obviously noted the glazed look sneaking across my eyes and withdrew for now, but left an offer in the back of my mind that if I need anymore help, just ask and he'll see what he can do for me. I feel in awe!
And if you're wondering what on earth is going on in the photo... Well ahem... My partners family have a tradition that games MUST be played at Christmas time and the above is evidence of the same. This is the game where you have to put hat, scarf and gloves on, before attempting to eat a bar of chocolate with a knife and fork. (Hmmm maybe I should take this method up if I'm hoping to beat my chocolate addiction? No doubt the lack of luck in dice throwing, combined with the effort required to dress, cut and then eat may defer me from the task... Yeah right... I don't think so) In order to have the right to dress, you have to throw a six on a die, once that's achieved you head for the clothing and if someone else is wearing it you just rip it off 'em! Nice friendly game, obviously a non contact sport!
Cool, Penny! You'll have to share! I just got back from Mom and Dad's last night and will have to soon catch up on everyone, now that life is relatively normalizing! Your site looks great and YOU ARE CUTE AS A BUTTON! Hope to catch up soon! xoxox
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