30 May 2006

I’m feeling full of self reproach for not attending my blog as often as I ought to. I can’t even use the excuse that the good weather in the UK has kept me away from the PC cause its been bloody raining on and off for the past week. Nor can I offer the excuse that work has had an effect as those of you who’ve read earlier posts know I’ve been bored shitless at work. Furthermore nothing glamorous has been happening anywhere in my life to have stopped me posting and yet I haven’t. Bad Moley!

So I wonder what my punishment would be if I left my blog untended for some considerable time? Is there someone out there employed as the punitive master/mistress who administers punishments to those who fail to update their blogs regularly? And if not, perhaps I should offer myself up for the role. Then again that might be an oxymoron bearing in my lapsidasical approach thus far. Oh well I shall chastise myself and try and try to offer more updates.

I can tell you I have been to the cinema on two occasions since my last post. No not the one to do with the Quiz ‘what pimp name are you’ but the one before that! I’ve seen Mission Impossible 3 and the Da Vinci Code.

I love blockbuster movies, and get immersed in good special effects, so Mission Impossible 3 tended those leanings. Story line wasn’t fantastic, but hey I didn’t have great aspirations that it would be. I went for the action scenes and the whole Impossible ethos and I got it. So I had a great time.

As for the Da Vinci Code, I read the book by Dan Brown when it first came out, I’d also read some years before the Holy Blood, Holy Grail book by Baigent, Leigh & Lincoln. (It was clailmed by the authors of this book that Dan Brown stole their concept, latter dismissed by a Court). The latter I found hard work to read and if the truth be know way too wordy. Funny calling a book wordy bearing in mind it’s full of words. Alternatively I’d describe it as heavy going and not for the subject matter per se but for the way in which it was written. However as I’m such a trooper I persevered and finished it, though I did offer a huge sigh of relief once it was done.

Alternatively the Dan Brown book I read in a whiz, it only took a day. Yes I’m a quick reader, I’m that awful person, who having entered a book shop and headed for the genre they like, stands in front of the bulging shelves, going ‘read it, read it, read it’ in a similar tone to a frog going ‘ribbet ribbet ribbet’. It’s a sad moment, I can tell you, purely as I then become at a loss as to what to do, because when I’m without reading material, I feel bereft.

I am a stickler in that I have to read a book before going to see the film, primarily because I don’t want my personal images of the characters being marred by those imposed upon us by the casting director, I’ve my own personal casting director called my imagination and I don’t want that to be wasted. Evidently having watched a film sometimes I feel the casting director got it right and others well, least said!

The portrayal of the Da Vinci Code was close to the book, though a few bits were missing, nothing too pertinent though in my opinion. Then again what do I know? I though the links to the art works mentioned in the book was cleverly done and enjoyed the whole experience.
Paul Bettany who played the monk was fantastic, and to me stole the show.

Tom Hanks, playing the professor was passable, and in reality I feel any middle aged American Actor could have played the role. Audrey Tautou offered a good reflection of Sophie Neveu the French cryptologist.

I enjoyed the film and would recommend it to others to see. As for the underlying premise of the book/film, it offered a good starting point for discussion, in particular the ethics of the church, hidden agenda’s etc, and for me it makes you question whether there could be some truth in the story. Who knows? I bloody don’t but I do wonder. The whole God thing is one big enigma to me!

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At 1:35 PM, Blogger Yvonne said...

ROFLMAO Penny, You are not alone in the "ribbbit, ribbit, ribbit".

Go over to my blog to check out what I have been immersed in for the last week or so.

Love Yvonne


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