16 June 2006

I'm an addict!

I have recently obtained an Xbox 360, which means I have left the realms of the PS2 and neglected my PC gaming for this machine. And I love it. The graphics are super.

I've had so much spare time the last couple of weeks and next week isn't looking mcuh better (I only have to work on Tuesday) and when I couldn't bare the sun any longer I ended up gaming.

I'm loving it and I've entered into the genre of online gaming, scary, especially as I'm such a numpty, but I'm getting there. I'm going down the educational route as I'm learning new skills while playing, so much so that it's no longer frantic button pressing I seem to know what I'm meant to be doing, now its just the execution! lol.

I've managed to link up my xboxlive gamer card with the blog, and hopefully as time progresses my achievements will grow! Right now I'm addicted to Ghost Recon: Advanced Warfare or G.R.A.W. to those who are skilled (ermm that's not me, I often blow myself up!).

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